A unique, holistic approach to career planning & management. You are so much more than a resume!
During and after covid, many people started re-evaluating their lives and careers. If you can relate, this is the guide for you!
> Buy the guide/workbook on Amazon (8 1/2 x 11) & receive a free pdf version.
> The first of kind book that has free complimentary resources on YouTube & TikTok | Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW172MFY
*If you are a manager or HR professional, consider a full day in-person workshop or introductory virtual Lunch & Learn. Why? Empowering your employees to own who they are and the work they do will enable easier management. We teach people to integrate career and performance management! Got questions, email me: joann@joanncorley.com
1/ The Performance Tracker - we combine career & performance management into 1 resourse - Learn more
2/ The Time Coach - a simple tool that provides a process to improve or even transform your life while boosting your time mangement & productivity -
3/ YouTube Channel - If YouTube is your thing, I am now building content on the channel. My goal is to post my best stuff so everyone can be exposed to best in class content! I'm creating Playlists for specific development tracks you can use and this is a great way to preview content for...
4/ Lunch & Learns - Find a topic, book an event for 1 hour of power learning! Need a boost for a staff meeting, quick remote team "pick me up", or ongoing talent development? > Simple to Book - go here for a list of topics and a simple flat rate.
Ask yourself...what do you want..I mean really want for your professional career? If you want to be your best, do your best, position yourself for maximum compensation, work with ease & more confidence, then
you'll want to work with us!
Our Mission
Help you translate your leadership talent & vision into meaningful, undeniable results while experiencing deep professional satisfaction.
Decisions Reflect Competency
How to Make Better People Management Decisions - via a step-by-step process.
This is a one-of-kind Masterclass - a must have in every professional toolkit!
This Masterclass teaches you how to make the best decision and compellng case for someone you want to promote, let go, or develop.
Do you know how to financially measure the value of a talented employee, the cost of a difficult one or
dysfunctional manager?
If not, don't feel bad, most leaders don't. Unfortunately, it's probably costing you and your company via ineffective decisions.
Just recently, we helped a company save well over $100,000 just from 1 manager learning to financially measure an employee's performance through the processes learned in our Masterclass.
Learn why we've created this offering and why you should enroll and even bring it to your organization.
Successful leaders must be effective people managers.
For Any Leader/Manager
who knows they could be getting better results, who feel something is missing or just need a refresh.
We offer a 90-day development intensive using our
The Distinct Leader - a 9 step blueprint to ensure sustained improvement with a measurable financial impact.
LinkedIn Learning Courses:
HR: How to Handle Employee Problems
Mgt: How to Manage Employee Performance Problems
Course Languages:
Kum Training - Dubai
An Introduction to Smart Management
Course langage:
I've finally launched The Distinct Leader - my new leadership development platform! All of the content I've created throughout the years is finally all in one place... and will be used to facilitate the implementation of my signature offering - The Distinct Leader Blueprint.
I'm on a mission to deliver the best leadership and management development available.
I've just launched my new leadership development platform The Distinct Leader and invite you to check it out! Join for free or become a LevelUp Premium Member using promo code FRIENDS50 at checkout.